Women and Whiteness

Facilitated by Mary Ann Gallo and Mary Stancavage
A Monthly Group – Next Meeting in March – March 24

5:00 – 6:15pm PT via Zoom

A group for those who identify as women and White to explore how racial conditioning has impacted us and those around us.

We’re moving into the fall and winter with an intention to examine our whiteness. We will see how we have been shaped by societal and economic systems that are in place and which have formed our views and experience of race. We will work towards freeing ourselves from these ideas and for the collective liberation of all beings.

Over the next few months we will look at the following topics, and offer readings and videos you can look at in advance of our session.

This group is drop in with no reservation required. No prior experience is necessary. Bring your willingness and an open heart.

Zoom link for this group

Meeting ID 827 329 747
PW 005666