A Year to Live
with Mary Stancavage
A Year Long Practice
May 18, 2025 – May 17, 2026
Are you ready to die? What if you only had one year to live the rest of your life? This year-long group, based on the book by Stephen Levine, is a spiritual practice of facing death and waking up to the life we are living. Each participant will live the next year as though it were their last. Meeting monthly, we will look back at our lives exploring fears, regrets, joys and hopes. We will look forward to examine our relationship to death and dying. Can we do what needs to be done and die with nothing left unsaid? Ultimately, this is a year-long practice in forgiveness, gratitude and letting go.
We will use the book A Year to Live as a guide and utilize other readings, meditations, one-on-one teacher meetings, monthly check-ins, optional drop-in groups, suggested field trips, practices and resources to support your journey. Although this is a group practice, it is also very personal and powerful. This group is open to anyone who is interested in this process, but it is a serious undertaking. If you have any questions about the practice or if it’s right for you, please get in touch.
This will be the 13th Year to Live group I have facilitated and I am looking forward to taking this transformational journey with you.
We will meet monthly via Zoom on Sunday afternoons at 12:00pm PT and each session will run 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
Class dates:*
May 18, 2025
Jun 22
Jul 20
Aug 17
Sep 14
Oct 12
Nov 9
Dec 7
Jan 11, 2026
Feb 8
Mar 8
Apr 12
Final Class TBA
*All classes will be recorded. It is not expected that you will be able to attend each session.
Cost: Sliding Scale $400-$600 for the year, payable either in advance or in payments (contact Mary for payment arrangements). There is a $25 non-refundable Registration Fee. If this is a practice that appeals to you, please do not let finances stand in your way, especially if you have been impacted by recent events. You are welcome to participate in a way that makes sense for you.