May12, 8:30am – Boy Scout Trail – Griffith Park

It’s Mother’s Day and a perfect time for our monthly sangha hike. This month we’re heading up the Boy Scout Trail to the Observatory. There’s a good incline at the beginning but then it evens out. We can continue on to Mount Hollywood if we like for the ultimate view. We’ll meet at the trailhead which is just off Vista del Valle Dr near Vermont (below the Greek Theatre). There should be plenty of street parking. Call or text if you get lost (818.640.4931).

These mornings give us a chance to spend time outside of a zoom room and get to know the folks we share the dharma with. No reservation is necessary.  Everyone is welcome – bring your family, bring your friends, bring water. Dogs on leash are welcome.

If you have any suggestions on easygoing trails in the LA area, and that don’t charge for parking, please let us know