Next Hike – March 23 – 8:30am – Observatory Loop

Spring has come to Los Angeles and it promises to be a beautiful weekend – maybe we’ll see some wildflowers. This month the hike will be an old favorite – the Observatory Loop from the top of Fern Dell. We might even wander towards Mt. Hollywood if folks are interested. This hike is an incline up to the Observatory and then a lot of happy downhill steps. We’ll meet in this Parking Lot at 8:30. (The easiest way to get to this lot is to turn into the park on Fern Dell from Los Feliz and drive up until you see the lot on your left.) Cell coverage is spotty here. 

These mornings give us a chance to spend time outside of a zoom room and get to know the folks we share the dharma with. No reservation is necessary.  Everyone is welcome – bring your family, bring your friends, bring water. Dogs on leash are welcome.

If you have any suggestions on easygoing trails in the LA area, and that don’t charge for parking, please let us know. If any of you would like to connect on your own for a sangha hike, please let me know and I’ll connect you so you can continue the connection with each other and with nature.